When using the services of a mortgage broker, you are not only taking advantage of their experience, knowledge and qualifications, but also benefiting from their direct access to great mortgage deals.
Having serviced many clients, at Hipoteken we have the experience on how to sort out any issues that come along the way, and which banks to go to in order to obtain the best possible deal for you.
Also, the broker will act as your one-stop shop to access different mortgage products from different banks, therefore maximising the chances of getting a mortgage, speeding up the process, and ensuring you get the best deal possible.
At Hipoteken, we can have access to deals that a regular street bank branch could not afford, so that is another great reason to choose us to take care of your mortgage needs.
Our relationships with specialised bank and mortgage specialists within the industry always works to our clients’ advantage.
You do not need an NIE number (Número de Identidad de Extranjero – Spanish for Foreigners Identification Number) to apply for a mortgage in Spain. We can kick start the process of your mortgage application with the details in your passport. However, your NIE will be needed when approaching the completion of the purchase of your property, so It is convenient to start the process of obtaining a NIE number early on.
If you need advise on the process to obtain a NIE, do not hessitate to contact us and we can advise you on the best way to obtain it.
Property valuation reports are done by registered valuation companies. These are regulated by the Bank of Spain, who specify very clearly what they must contain and what makes a valuation valid for a bank to accept.
Depending on which bank you finally decide to go with, the process to obtain the valuation changes. Some banks will require that they order the valuation directly with certain companies. Other banks will accept any valuation company registered with the Bank of Spain.
As part of our service to you, we will coordinate the process to obtain the valuation needed to complete your mortgage.
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